My Three Hats
- First, I am a family member. My sister Laurel has Down Syndrome. Her development and experiences from early childhood into adulthood have contributed strongly to my views and perspectives. She’s now in her 30s, living semi-independently in our home town of Indianapolis.
- Second, I have been a front-line care provider. From 1970 to 1984, I was a teacher and educational coordinator in three preschool child care centers and director of a school-age program. I also helped found an organization called Boston Area Daycare Workers United (BADWU) to work for improved compensation and a voice for front-line staff in the public policy arena.
- Third, I have been a researcher, trainer, and policy analyst. I have observed in child care settings across the United States (and a bit in other countries), have surveyed and interviewed parents of children with disabilities and child care providers, and met with policy makers. En route to a Ph.D. in special education at the University of Illinois in 1997, I studied qualitative research methods, early intervention, and disability law and policy with some of the best thinkers in the country.
My professional mission is that of a bridge builder.
Because I have worn each of these hats, I am able to bridge the gaps and break through the barriers that divide families, service providers, policy makers, and researchers from one another.
Click here to see biographical highlights.
Click here to see my resume.
Click here to see a publication list with links allowing you to order some of the publications.